10 June 2009

Intern-al Woes

As an early-rising intern, my insides are being challenged...most literally.

I am incapable of arriving early for work; I usually pull in at HANDS by 8:01/02, usually by 8:31/32 at ECF. But every morning, I think I’m doing better. At the moment I decide I’m doing better, that I don’t need to rush out, that is when I should immediately start rushing.

My mom knows this about me; she knows when I say I’ll pack my lunch for work, this means I’ll grab an apple and 100 calorie snack pack on my way out because I won’t have time to make a sandwich. I ate an apple and clementine for lunch my first day at ECF. Today, I had Dunkaroos for breakfast at my desk, shielding the top wrapper behind my purse so no one would see and have to hold back obvious disapproval.

On top of sour intestines, my sleeping patterns still revolve around my 10:40 a.m. class, my “I’m young and restless” pride, and those basic principles of summer break (i.e. sleep in, sun bathe, stay out late). So, my head gets weary, my stomach and taste buds, bitter, and my knees, stiff, from intern heels, air conditioned spaces, and the static bent-knee posture of the desk intern.

Practical advice for myself that I came up with all on my own:

1. Go to bed earlier.
2. Wake up earlier.
3. Don't ball up and throw dress pants, shirts, cardigans, etc. on the cat-hairy floor so you don't have to iron and heavily lint-roll them in the morning.
4. Pack a lunch the night before.

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