24 May 2008


I brewed a mug-full of green tea—I always boil the water, micro-waved water never seems as healthy—hoping it would ease my entrance into this stretch of cyber-gibberish. Until we get wireless, I am confined to my bulky COMPAQ, a calculator and mouse pad in one, and a white desk I have to sit sideways at because the comp tower and desk drawers create a barricade for my legs. Nevertheless, I am a determined bloggee...that is, a blogger in training, a daring, virtual neo-phyte/-fighter.

I'm unsure as to why, at this point in my student career, life as an only child, history of small-town living and summer nights spent at home because nothing’s happening apart from the allergen gala, it's time to chronicle my thoughts publicly. But here I am, making an archive of qualms, quirks, and queries, alliterating when I can, and kissing and telling all—but, most likely, just telling.

I'm a student of anthropology, media studies, journalism, floristing, cupcakery, innovation, and precision. I can spend hours in the computer lab composing papers, editing high schoolers' speeches for national oratory competitions, and crafting abominably clever Facebook posts for abominably less clever guys. It's one quirk of mine to be so fussy, borderline neurotic over the grammatical cadence of a piece, over beats per phrase and such. I don't sit and count them; I just listen, and change things when I must...over, over, over, and over.

Anyway, my last bit of tea is cold. I forgot to take the tea bag out, as always. A boyfriend warned me once of bleeding tea bags: waterlogged, wounded sachets just bobbing there, hemorrhaging in my mug. Even so, I still forget. They always look fine to me when I finish. No serious lesions yet, so why agonize.

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